Victorian stylist, Jo Smith, shares with us the inspiration behind her 2018 AHFA VIC Hairdresser Of The Year Finalist collection titled R A P T U R E and how she achieved the look with label.m
Collection Inspiration
Citing Debbie Harry as an initial style stimulus, Jo's captures the seminal rocker vibe complete with a signature bleached blonde mullet with dark matte roots. The look cements Jo's penchant for organic styling as well as displaying a progressive disconnection that oozes with modernity.
Step 1: Hair was cleansed and conditioned with label.m Diamond Dust Shampoo and Conditioner to help moisturise and give an amazing shine to the models blonde hair.
Step2: I primed the hair with label.m Therapy Rejuvenating Creme to help as a leave in treatment to strengthen the hair and to give the hair more elasticity to help hold the style
Step 3: I blow dried with label.m Sea Salt Spray scrunching the product in to help bring out the texture in the shape as I was drying. To increase texture, I continued adding label.m Sea Salt Spray until I was happy with the volume and texture.
Step 4: I used the label.m Matt Paste mixed with label.m Resurrection Style Dust (you could also use the new label.m Powder To Wax ) and rubbed through the whole of the head, from roots to tips and then from underneath to top - this is so I could create shape and hold. I finished by adding a little more through the ends to define key areas.
Collection Credits
Hair Stylist Jo Smith
Colourist Jack Morton
Fashion Stylist Jam Baylon
Make Up Artist Rob Povey
Photographer Elizabeth Kinnaird